Kitsch » Statuary/Sculptural

Frilly Bunny

Oooh, a sweet frilly bunny with her Easter bonnet on!  The ring on her neck indicates she used to have a chain with some baby bunnies on it...

Bambi Planter

I got this BIG Bambi planter at a huge (and extremely HOT) flea market this weekend for the insane price of only $2.  These Bambi planters ...

Tiny Kitsch Wedding

Here comes the kitsch bride and groom, they are about 2 inches high and covered in spots with a thin layer of glitter. Can you see the glitt...

Bowler’s Ashtray

Dug this dirty old thing out of a flea market junk box.  I hear there’s also a matching cigarette lighter.  Wow, you can see my refl...

Barbies Garden

I went a little peculiar when I spotted this, I know Barbie is not to everyone’s taste but I love her, and I have about 150 dotted a...