I found in a garage sale a medallion about 1 -.5″ in diameter from the Chicken Ranch in La Grange, Texas. The original story was made ...
Kitsch » Romantic
I googled Doctor Who animals and this came up so I stopped and swore off the internet for a few days. IS it a vest, a cape, a blanket, a s...
Best Spokesperson Ever?
So, um, yeah. This is the guy that wanted to make sure that everyone can have guns. Whatever your stance on gun control, ya gotta admit that...
Live Nude Show on Hollywood Boulevard
In 1993 I flew my Mom out for a visit to LA and had to take her to Hollywood Blvd. The reason I tell you this is that the woman walking down...
Barbies Garden
I went a little peculiar when I spotted this, I know Barbie is not to everyone’s taste but I love her, and I have about 150 dotted a...
Tony “Que beuna esta la Pachanga – Conjunot Casino” – LP
I LOVE any LP shot inside of an actual record shop. Is this an album of “Tony at the casino”. Not entirely sure but regardless, ...
In Praise Of The CreamTea
In the UK this week the weather has been unseasonably warm, this made me think of the onset of summer and my favourite pastime of eating C...
HIPPIE SEX COMMUNES by Ronald Jamer, Ph.D.
Love the record player with the weave basket wine holder. Perverted hippies?...
Baryshnikov Tights
Designed to perform what? I wonder of wearing these will help me perform better in school?...
Scary and hysterical portrait of a man and his wife
This picture just kills me. I thought I had a hard time posing for portraits....
Swinging 60s Dancing Kids Jewelry Box
It is rare that I spend over my limit when out thrifting/antiquing, but when I saw this jewelry box years ago in — Fitchburg, MA -? ...
Elephant Love
Picked it up in a CT Goodwill for $ 1.00. I suppose it was cheap because of the missing trunk… but I am in love with the “pig ...
Macho Nuts Spanish Peanuts – They’re Hot!
Macho Nuts Spanish Peanuts 2 oz box They’re Hot! Vintage 1980s advertising Distributed by HOT NUTS, INC. San Francisco, CA...
Buddy Greco might not be good for business…
My boyfriend and I have a slight record digging problem and this is definitely one of my “dollar bin” favorites. Buddy Greco...
Girlfriend Trophy
I was amazed when I saw this, it slightly freaks me out I have to say…..but having said that I would love to see a wall full, has anyo...
Tee Shirts
I’m wondering who the audience is for these teeeeeeeeeeeees………...
The ultimate Fashion Climax
Allee, Hopefully this is machine washable....
More Tempest Storm
I had already posted an autographed picture of Tempest Storm and she sent me another one with a lot of smaller pictures of her some in regu...
A craze that never caught on. Huh.
The title page of this titillating 3D comic book declares, “HERE IT IS! The Ageless Story of Love In A New Dimension.” The co...
You MUST be Putting Me on! …Condom Sense
When I was in high school in the 1980’s my mom volunteered at the San Francisco Sex Information Hotline and was always bringing *int...
Jockey Fashion Underwear for men
I can deal with the multi colored undies but the mesh get up is a bit much. The 3 of them look so confident....
What was Next Year’s Theme?
Wow, if you ask me, this senior center could use a new party planner…Oh, and make sure you don’t drink the Kool Aid…....