Here are all of my Mold-A-Rama toys. These four are from the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. There were at least 6 – 10 more machines tha...
Kitsch » Political/Patriotic
Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 146 – August 2010)
This is a pretty fabulous beer sign! Frigidaire promotional measuring glass. I forgot to include these pitchers with the rest of the set so ...
HARPO Official Mulligan
This is the corner of dolls and kitsch I’ve photographed before at Angel View Thrift Store here in Palm Springs. I’d already...
Rainbow Liberty
I spotted this huge stack of “Rainbow Liberty” statues at Salvation Army in San Francisco (Valencia near 23rd) today. Timely fin...
Jayne Mansfield For President
A good friend of mine Frank Ferruccio who authored Did Success Spoil Jayne Mansfield? sent me a care package recently that contained this�...
Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 137 – August 2010)
RIP Farrah. Green stamps! Transistorized. These scare me. Jackie O doesn’t quite look right…. Love Boat. I think I need these st...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – USA! Patriotic Kitsch
. Rarely do I celebrate someone getting their head blow on off but the jubilant mood around the world heralding the demise of the long skinn...
Someone Knitted The Royal Wedding
Imagine my delight, out on Easter Friday ,all the shops are closed, then I came across the wool shop and the window display had the whole of...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Allee Willis Marches on Detroit! Part 8, Sights In Passing
One of my favorite things in life is photographing whatever I see around me, especially if I’m in a car and just happen to pass someth...
The Royal Wedding, A Tribute, Part 2
Part 2 of the wonderful delights available to purchase for the upcoming nuptials of one Will & Kate. It has been declared a Bank Holiday...
The Royal Wedding, a Tribute
I thought I would pop in something that reflects my own thoughts, as someone whose sector of work ,Libraries is being cut to the quick, bu...
Say “Cheese”! Royale (portrait) with cheese In the latest round of royal wedding-rel...
Shark Attack
The Shark became the most famous resident of Headington when it landed in the roof of 2 New High Street in the early hours of Saturday 9 A...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Celebrate Presidents Day with a Kennedy Creamer
At that point in history, the 1960s, no more swag had ever been created for an American Presidency than for the first couple of Camelot, Joh...
Happy Presidents’ Day From Marx
Meet the presidents. These figures by Marx were sold in grocery stores and hobby shops.. and came in several versions, white, tan, and pre...
Putting Mountnugent on the Map
Awhile ago, while a much beloved friend was searching various databases for the history/origin of the name Nugent in Ireland, he came across...
Football Football Whiskey
Instead of watching the Superbowl, I found this 1972 Jim Beam whiskey decanter. That’s the face concussions (and black-out benders) ar...
baby in a gas mask
Social meme 1940 “you are never too young to think about death.”I guess the umbrella indicated that an umbrella, like a gas mask...
I work as a Department of the Army Civilian at Fort Leonard wood, MO. My whole office is decorated in Americana and these are some of my f...
GLOWING BIPARTISANSHIP…. I love Glow-In-The-Dark Icicles for the Christmas Tree and any Garland…. Here are 3″ Glow-In-The-...
Ronald Reagan “Gangbusters” Audio Tape
Long before Ronald Reagan became a movie and TV star, his very recognizable voice was used on commercials and acting in radio. At a garage s...
JFK Phonograph Record
This 7″ 45 rpm phonpgraph record has on it JFK’s Nomination Acceptance Speech, the Inaugural Speech and the Oath of Office. It i...
War is not healthy… ever.
Now I’m in the jewelry section. My eyes are rolling. This has AKMOK written all over it! If you lived through the late 60’s, thi...
Same issues, different faces…
It was 1970, and our group boarded a bus from NYC to Washington D.C. to protest the war, racisism and oppression. Almost 40 years later the ...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Politics and the National Rooster Crowing Contest Trophy
When it comes to an award for crowing the loudest, that should go to politicians. If I get enraged by the money that movie stars make imagin...