This lady has awfully long legs and really tremendously tall hi-heels! Are you supposed to wear hi-heels when you are wearing you lingerie...
Kitsch » Magazine/Newspaper
REMORSE in Print
can you believe this? like the driver who beeped how does this person know he or she will read this rag? I mean this is insane. and ma...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Me and My Soup To Nuts Party Mix live show in the Huffington post Today!
It’s getting close….. Read the Huff Po piece here. Photo by Jenny Risher....
The Realist: Part Deux
This copy has a 19 page article called “The Murder of Malcolm X” by Eric Norden. The “Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Smel...
Ideas that Didn’t Quite Catch On.
I don’t know why I love the idea of lighting my mower so much. May 1960 cover for Popular Science from Google Books....
The Realist Magazine
The Realist magazine was an anti establishment oriented magazine in the mid ’60’s. It had great interviews, cartoons and anti Vi...
UC Berkeley Senior Week LIFE magazine
My late sister graduated from UC Berkeley and this publication was for the Senior week May 14 to 20, 1939. It has a lot of pictures of fun...
Magazine Ads 1960
Not one I’ve seen in any of the magazines we get. “Be a taxidermist. Double your hunting fun?” “Mount Birds, A...
Dorky Crochet Vests (1971)
The hats are really cute, but I’m pretty sure the vests are just asking to have your lunch money stolen, even in 1971....
Hot Novelty Souvenir Panties: Going Like Wildfire
You might remember my very first AWMOK post, a pair of Miniature WWII Souvenir Panties… Well, I recently visited with the wonderful Da...
Tucson Weekly Robot
This robot man stands on 4th Ave, downtown Tucson. 4th Ave is sort of Tucson’s colorful bohemian street, home to ethnic restaurants an...
Coffee table or Turntable?
Is it a magazine? Is it a record? It’s both! This short-lived magazine, ECHO, from 1960 came out four times a year and each issu...
Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 150 – August 2010)
This makes me nuts! All male stylist convention in Texas! Oh my god, her hat!...
Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 143 – August 2010)
Candy can! CB radio and Quiksand bubble gum! 1977! cast iron horse bookend holding up the vintage “JET” magazines. “JET...
WHAT A fine multitasking Robot reading next to the beautiful shower curtain while doing we don’t know what....
Vogue November 1984 Part 1
Luckily this magazine still sits in Mum’s sitting room. Aunt Margaret must have picked it up when she was in Boston and Mum (her young...
DIG Magazine w/fab Beatles pix!
Found this great September, 1964 teen magazine, “Dig” at a garage sale. Among the features inside, 100 facts no one knows about ...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Me, AWMOK and Willis Wonderland in the New York Times today!
Nice, big, fat story in the Times on me today + 12 photos. Thank you, Bob Morris, for seeking me out (no press agent involved here!) and wri...
Crochet Jumper
I so covet her crochetted outfit with the one piece body suit in mustard underneath. Imagine when she has to go to the LADIES room. Wher...
Willis Wonderland in The New York Times! (soon)
I spent the last two days as the subject of a story for the New York Times Home section. Four hour interview on Monday and an eleven-hour ph...
Streisand Suitcase
Hello Gorgeous! Who wouldn’t want to travel in style using this vintage suitcase featuring a fantastic collage of the one and only ...