Kitsch » Hats

Bosson Bali Wall Mask

Clearing out my loft  (long job) I found this gorgeous wall mask , packed away. Boson was based in Congleton, England  they are most famou...

Cover UP

I used to think I should swim in my clothes so people don’t know how fat I am.  Now I realize if I just cover my head, they won’...


These hollow porcelain figures were $0.25 cents each at a yard sale.  They are about 10″ tall. The female of the pair has had her h...

Stay Puft

He is right up there with the Pillsbury dough boy and the Michelin man.  I like him best when he’s angry....

Pants Clown Hobo Guy

My mom picked up this thing at a flea market for $1.  We laughed at it for a good ten minutes.  I think it is somebody’s hand-painte...

Frilly Bunny

Oooh, a sweet frilly bunny with her Easter bonnet on!  The ring on her neck indicates she used to have a chain with some baby bunnies on it...