Now these are heels worth the suffering. What a great looking shoe, am I right?...
Kitsch » Food
King Cake
A King Cake is a Brioche style pastry covered with poured sugar, decorated in the traditional Mardi Gras colored sugars, with a plastic baby...
Cupcake Queen
We are fast approaching the Queens Diamond Jubilee ( 2 days off work !!) this splendid image of the Queen was made be using 2.012 cupcakes. ...
DEtroit Citay! 2013
Just got back from a quickie 2-1/2 day trip to the Motor City to go to the pre-release book signing party for Heart Soul Detroit, Jenny Rish...
Fruit Hat
When your animal is feeling Carmen Miranda, help them out with the fruit hat. Works for Cats and Pigs too....
Never Put This On Anything
I know the QoK lives for stuff like this and I appreciate the kitschiness of it, but I am fully against anyone ever ingesting it. Being a ch...
Baguette in the Shower
I prefer my baguettes with cheese and in my stomach not on my back, but hey, maybe had some extras lying around. Creative use of the bread...
Hamburger Cone
Love the portability……….. but the cheese could be difficult to negotiate after 10 minutes....
Whiskey n Egg plus some bacon and cigar
I’m not sure what the most important ingredient here is…….. bacon? or the match....
I’M sure this kid is having fun. He’s seeing the grocery store from a whole new angle....
Oldy but Goody
Seeing this never fails – I always want a hot dog or 12. And if I had this contraption I would eat them all day long....
Candy Cane spoons
I think I’d like to eat Goolash and Turkey Hash with these as well; maybe even some scrambled eggs....
The Floating Head of St Nick
The dollar store always delivers. Here is a floating Santa head giving a great big thumbs up! He digs Christmas for sure! And he has excelle...
A mish mash of things in my house – shriners hat, my picture, pigmy will, Liberace, and Home Girl Potato Chips
It’s that time of the year. Time to break out my Pigmy Will x-mas ornament!...
Raw Nativity Scene
I think they should keep it raw……. no telling whose going to shrivel if they cook it....
Dressing for Dinner
Hey, why not. I will even admit it myself. When things sometimes get really lonely, sure, I get this dressed up to eat off a TV tray. A girl...
Shopping Reminder
I bought this Shopping Reminder pegboard at the yard sale of my former Jr. High art teacher. She is a lovely lady and told me it belonged ...
Ceramic grapes wall pocket
The gold may be worn away but that didn’t stop me from purchasing this piece for $2.00. This wall pocket is a little bigger than the p...
THE BLAXICAN! I am so there, if I only knew where to find him!
The phone number is a 404 area code but other than that, I have no idea what city this truck is in! I had mexican food yesterday and altho...
Cereal Marshmallows
The title says it all. Believe it or not, you can buy cereal marshmallows in bulk! Ya know, like the crispy sugary ones in Lucky Charms or w...
Bagel Tray
This tray is perfect for two bagels and cream cheese. I originally bought it for a friend but then I remembered she hated raisins in bagels ...
How to clone a Twinkie
Hostess is closing, but you can make your own. Recipies: http://leitesculinaria....
Vintage plastic COCKTAIL stirrers
‘This bushel of stirrers cost me $4.00. Only used for exotic snacks!...