Here’s yet another one, hope you don’t get tired of them! Some of these have a weird hair thing going on… the body, etc. i...
Kitsch » Floral
Poodle Flower Pin
I collect enameled flower jewelry and this is one of the most unique pins in my collection. Purchased at an antique shop in Ohio, I paid way...
Sweet Girl Planter
A sweet girl planter with a hat. She’s actually another yard sale score from this weekend....
Austrian Soap
While on holiday in Austria ,I became mesmerized by this display of carved soap….pink being my favourite colour I wanted to scoop the ...
My House, My Rules
Another treasure from my grandma’s house. I’ll do as I darn please, and hang kitschy plates on the wall. Love the unnecessary qu...
Shariff Dean and the Flower Eating Man
I just had to post this on Denny’s instruction, I sent it to him as I found it so funny…. the comb over! And what is that guy do...
A Coke is a Coke is a Coke
Combine the world’s most iconic flower and the world’s most iconic soft drink and you have the above, a Coke rose. The rose is m...
Tiny Tim sings “Tip Toe Though The Tulips”…
Anyone who is old enough to remember TINY TIM singing “Tip Toe Through The Tulips” in falseto in the mid 60’s, was thoroug...
Flowers, flowers and more flowers…
It’s getting more and more difficult to find these colorful home accents. This is a rare find for the midwest. Getting up really early...
Little Marcy “Sings Sunday School Songs” $1.98
This is my favorite Little Marcy cover. I would kill (well, not really) to get a hold of one of these dolls!...
Praying Hands and Cross Easter Chocolates
I know this is shocking but the store appeared to be almost out of chocolate bunnies but seemed to have an overabundance of these two items ...
Lady Head Vase in purple
These were given to me by a lady that runs a thrift shop here on the Cape. It has something to do with being a frequent shopper! I was havin...
70’s Floral Telephone
A recent fantasy trip to the Village Thrift store with camera in hand, produced a few items. This was the first must have photo. Actually 1/...
Miller Studio is Kitsch Every Time
Getting to this rummage sale early had its reward. Though all three had minimal damage, we were able to repair them back to new condition. E...
Paint By Number Roses, 1960
This “Paint By Number” of roses was created in 1960 by Jay. Love it when an artist signs his work. He did a great job! The origi...
Who wants to let this poor sad kitty back inside?...