I love gold lame’ and I love how it matches her hair....
Kitsch » Fashion
New Function for cleavage
I like how this fashion worked out for her. NOt everyone can wear this tee shirt and have it be so perfect....
THE MOODS OF LOVE! – a fantastic and nausea inducing LP! Is that even possible?
So I am assuming there are 6 moods of love here?...
Texas Prison Rodeo “Behind The Walls” with the Eastham Band
Who the hell would buy this? I’m sure this wasn’t a record you would find in Sears or some other local retailer. I wonder ho...
I’d be happy too if I had a hair-do as spectacular as the lady on the right. The combination of bumper bangs and flip is pretty amaz...
The Singing Pack Family! A heavenly inspired album…
The font treatment is killing me. I didn't even notice "Lovin Jesus" until I look at this 5 times. You would think Jesus deserved the same a...
Allee at Trapper Johns, Burbank, CA circa 1985 – Part 2
Mingling with some more relatives of Trapper John’s. See part 1. Also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/visionaryroadtrip/sets/72157623...
Cover UP
I used to think I should swim in my clothes so people don’t know how fat I am. Now I realize if I just cover my head, they won’...
Allee at Trapper Johns, Burbank, CA circa 1985 – Part 1
My favorite spot to go for a ride to was this collection of 52 family members and pets that used to be in front of a motel also handbuilt by...
Gay Teens (Part 1)
This amazing 1940s Knit & Crochet booklet is really one of the most amazing things in my collection. I literally rescued it from a pud...
My Patriotic Kicks
I can’t believe I completely blanked on posting these here at AWMOK for the 4th of July. I got them a while ago and have been waiting ...
Freakish Barbie Clone
The considerable expense of Barbie dolls back in the early 1960s (usually between $1.90 – $3 in the early 60s, plus outfits which cost...
Wearable Hummingbird feeder
YIKES. How good is this? I see these guys all the time, but to see them up close and personal would be the coolest. just hope he doesn...
LUV – 1979 Abba-like Dutch girl band
I can’t explain this video or the song, but this is what was posted on Youtube: ‘Ooh, Yes I Do’ is the ninth single by Dut...
Hi Allee, would you consider this item kitsch? Have you ever seen anybody wearing one of these? A pocket protector? Nerdsville!...
Perfect kitschy cool coconut bra now on Ebay for your next Hula!! .. Hey Mark…do you think “Luther Billis” would like t...
Bobbi Jean White with the Ballew Sisters & Smitty Gatlin Trio
I think several of Bobbi Jean’s children are hiding in that hair-do of hers....
Color’s – vintage advert
What a beautiful woman. The make up just kills me and you all know that I am just dying over her hair-do!...
Made popular by 50’s bad girls, pin-ups, and Divine. The true vintage Spring-O-Lator mule has the elastic band on the sole. This p...
Gordon Grant & Bill Cable modeling the hottest in 70’s fashions
I could say many things here but since I need to keep it clean, I will do just that. Vintage, 70’s beefcake for sure....
Kitschy Knitting Patterns
1952 and 1953 knitting patterns for men’s socks featuring dice, a smoking pipe, a bowling guy, a fish on a hook, a duck, a moonlit duc...