What a cake … I’m stunned by the extravagance of it eeeekkkkkkkk...
Kitsch » Crafts
A Trip to the Kitchy Wonderland that is the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (Part 2)
The Ferris Wheel. Yeah – DO NOT rock the seat. No, really. Don’t. Old School flume ride. It is VERY high off the ground....
Another kooky animal bed!
I love this and I have no doubt my dogs would love it too!...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day has always provided supreme opportunities for kitsch. Be it flower arrangements, stuffed animal displays in front of gas ...
More hokey, framed yarn art!
This is why I need to move back to LA. I am so tired of running into framed, yarn art when I am thrift shopping. It’s not eye popp...
Amazing cat bed made out of suitcases!
I think I am going to try to make one of these beds for my chihuahua, Miss Lulu. This is amazing!...
1960’s African Wall Art
Pretty amazing find and both in mint condition. $20.00 for the set with 25% off. This will go up in my new house immediately, or as soon...
WOULD ALLEE WEAR THESE if they were sneakers…..?
I nixed this picture from one of my favorite websites/blogs called nowaygirl.com. I’m not sure exactly how I feel about them…&...
AMAZING pin/bejeweled KITTY CATS – made in Hong Kong
I found these two plastic cats when I first moved to PA. They have “Made in Hong Kong” stickers on the bottom but I think they...
Instead of the multipurpose knife, we have a multipurpose ring. that little comb is perfect for the mustache and arm hairs. and the saw...
Man’s textured vest in KNIT
What does he have in his hand? I would totally wear this....
Knit Magic
I doubt it works very well, but being a total knitting enthusiast I would just love to own it. Looks like you can knit fantastic condoms wit...
Spitfire Plane Made From Egg Boxes
The life size replica plane took 6 weeks to complete and 6,500 egg cartons and is 36ft long. The egg boxes are sold in aid of the charity He...
1960’s Paper Dresses
I so wish my wardrobe was full of these, they are making me swoon..These amazing fashion Poster Dresses were designed by British designe...
Bacon, eggs, and sausage HAT AND PURSE – knitted baby!
OMG, I can’t stand it! Although I cannot carry the purse, I would certainly wear the hat! I found out a friend overseas is going t...
Hand Knitted Outfits for Action Man
Don’t they look cozy ???...
King Cake
A King Cake is a Brioche style pastry covered with poured sugar, decorated in the traditional Mardi Gras colored sugars, with a plastic baby...
Some Vintage Craft Stuff
I’m always buying old craft and sewing stuff, both for my own collection/use and for my Etsy shop. I love the cool packaging that so...
Shell House In Dartmouth – the inside!
Hi Here are a couple of pics of the Shell House in Dartmouth . The second is a close up of the chimney breast -the black square is a little ...
Ceramic Tea Bag Holders
Such a steal! Found these 3 for $1.00 each at a thrift shop in the philly burbs. Love the winky eye in the last pic here….....
Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” – part 17 (May 2012)
Even the steps at Willis Wonderland have been hand made by the queen of kitsch. The door leading to the room left untouched by me and my cam...
Knit a Gnome for Christmas (and a Santa if you have time)
I cannot actually tell the difference !...
Who Knew?
For those really cold nights when you don’t heat your house and the stool legs get too cold for comfort....