Not one of my favorites but still sort of odd to find a “texas” restaurant in Michigan. Cocktails and pizza and I am good to go!...
Kitsch » Cowboy
1950’s Western Ceramic Wall Sconces
These measure just about 6 inches long and both are in amazing condition. Made in Japan. $10.00 for the pair....
Bronco Bustin’ Silhouette over Knotty Pine Paneling
Just a simple cowboy decoration that works on top of this bright wall....
baby holster
I’m not sure this is comfortable for anyone, but it’s a good concept- better than a gun I’m thinking....
Carry-All Action Fort Apache Play Set
This incredible, vintage toy came in a tin storage box. I wanted it for the box but refused to pay the price, $40.00. It was fairly larg...
Denny’s Adventures In Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 329
Horsing Around
An incredibly versatile toy from Kenner, fun for the WHOLE family, even mommy and daddy. Pictured below, Ted Nugent, age 4....
Sideburn fashion
These look great, right? I ‘d like to see some highheel sideburns too....
Frency Singing Family Goes Cowboy – La Famille Dessureault Record Album
When I saw the purple clad cowboy family (bare midriff ? check. Purple cowboy hat? check. Unflattering doubleknit polyester slacks? check!) ...
Crochet Guns and Holsterbelt
This is not one of my own crochet works (I wished!) Made by a Flickr user called “Inger Carina”, who also made a crochet TV. htt...
Uranium Drive In
Southwestern Colorado is beautiful to behold. Massive mesas, wide open spaces. Many old westerns were filmed out there, including “...
Little Planters In A Row
Seen at an Antique Shop. A bit steep for me at $10 each....
Texas Pete (Again)
I know I sent you Texas Pete before, but my last pictures weren’t the best and I kind of wanted to give him another chance to shine. �...
Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 130
I need to hit the jealous button over this one....
Sonny Look Presents – Sharlene Sharp “RARE and WELL DONE”.
I’m just not sure what to say about this one. Having wine while sitting on top of a horse? Mmmm, sounds like the art department ha...
Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 121
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an episode of this show. No doubt it produced a lot of kitsch....
Dippy Canoes
How many Dippy Canoes do you have to eat to look like him?...
Wooden Nickels
These two wooden nickels come from a place called Chiefs in Winnemucca, Nevada.The Indian is carrying a sign that says “One Moccasin P...