I wrote this post about my beloved wienerwhistle a couple of years ago, but seeing as I’ve been running around my kitchen looking for ...
Kitsch » Brands
Lamp made out of a COKE can
Found this at the dump’s “Gift Hut” store. It’s the only place on the planet where you shop for FREE. Half the t...
We rode in the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile!
Last week I saw RELSHME, one of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobiles, and this weekend I got to take a ride in it with the kids and aKitschionado K...
Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 119
I’ve never heard of a product for our hair being called a RAKE. Hello!!!!! This made me laugh out loud. The afro bone comb is a wi...
SEEBURG Mood Music – LP
Isn’t SEEBURG the same company that made diner jukeboxes?...
RELSHME, The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Visits Alameda
This week was particularly exciting as I got a last minute tip that the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile (called “RELSHME”) was in Alame...
Hot Dog Flavored Potato Chips
My husband brought these home for me. He knows what I like....
Dippy Canoes
How many Dippy Canoes do you have to eat to look like him?...
For many years I have so longed to own a piece of Pixieware by Holt Howard. However, in my area it was both super-rare and super-expensive...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Signs of an Excellent Birthday In East LA and Beyond
I’m pretty religious about celebrating one’s birthday all day from the strike of midnight through the next 24. Years that I have...
Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 101
Yes, an Elvis guitar filled with popcorn. Talk about kitsch. THEEEEE ultimate kitsch experience is going into the shops directly across ...
You can always bank on Emerson
Found this cool little (about 4″ in length) item recently at a garage sale. It’s a Bakelite bank that was given away as a prom...
Fluffernutter Sandwich Ring
Found this little beauty on Etsy from Glamour Puss Couture today!...
Have it Your Way!
I actually worked at Burger King when I was sixteen. I don’t, however, remember it being quite as funky as it appears in this commer...
Multi Alligator shirt
Now that is a great expansion on the plain old alligator shirt. LaCoste is bringing our a whole new line of alligators doing things with o...
Snoopy after the Red Baron
I found this little pendant from a charm bracelet with my metal detector. Snoopy is only 3/4″ long. I like his growl as he ...
1952 Indy 500 Pace car.
The High Priestesses of Studebaker in 1952....
Sylvania Color Remote
Another fantasy in faux woodgrain, this old Sylvania color remote dates from the mid-1960’s if I did my research right. So far, it...
Autumn Means Canning the Bounty of the Harvest.
But I don’t remember Grandma canning this. Actually, Wikipedia says this, and you can’t make this stuff up: “Spotted dick ...
In Honor of National Taco day
And Steve Jobs was even better. When it comes to tacos, I'm strictly hard corn shell....
“Fast Food” Atari 2600 Game, 1982.
Anybody remember the “Fast Food” Atari 2600 game from 1982? The game itself didn’t come close to the graphics on this pr...
The complete run of SUPERSPADE paperbacks, published between March 1970-November 1971. Cover art is by the great Mitchell Hooks (in fact, th...
the magic castle???
I have to say I nearly choked when I saw this and it is an animated gif only I didn’t know how to download it so I took a screen shot....
Allee Willis’ Kitsch ‘O The Day – Fluffless
I know I promised more Fluffiness yesterday and today but I’m so overloaded trying to get ready for my show – writing, getting ...