Hours before Sock Monkey was to board a flight back to California, he was lucky enough to see the public art exhibit at Columbus Circle. Thi...
Kitsch » Animals & Birds
HoarderRehab’s Hi Cat Fashion starring Kitty Kat Kitsch
Just when I thought my High Cat Fashion Cat was a loss at my shop, and I was the only one finding it amusing, windupkitty found it funny and...
Finished Picture
Simple, great effort and I love how the styles don’t really match. It’s kind of pop artish…….. well……....
Ceramic deer planter
My friend Planet Joan gave me this today. It’s in mint condition and stands a little over 20 inches tall. You can see me snapping ...
Ceramic caterpillar
This little worm was $6.00, worth it I say! It looks hand made but it’s not as it has an original factory stamp on the bottom....
Frothy Monkey Coffeehouse
A funny name for a place to drink coffee, but it has a ring to it....
Pig Corn Holders
Corn + Bacon? I guess that’s one way to make corn on the cob more exciting....
Sock MOnkey Visits Olvera Street
On Sock Monkey’s recent trip to Los Angeles, he decided to take a couple of hours and drive downtown to the festive but touristy Olver...
Puss n Soft boots
He looks a little angry about his boots. Probably the color and the quality……can’t go outside in those....
Tard, the grumpy cat
When I came across this new internet star, “Tard” The Grumpy Cat I instantly thought I have to post her here, knowing most of yo...
Sock Monkey in New York part 3
This is the sad post. The last day in New York is not the thing that Sock Monkey wanted to confront, but it had to be done. What could he do...
Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 377
Wood bird house or doll house. I’m not too sure but this piece is massive in size!...
Sock Monkey in New York part 2
Sock Monkey needs to officially and publicly thank one of his best long time friends for putting him up during his entire New York stay! Wit...
Buggy Eyed Puppy Planter
This small planter was .. I think 2 bucks at the flea market last week. He’s quite small, made in occupied Japan. Does anybody know ...
SOCK MONKEY FRIENDS AND FAMILY….. More shopping in Chicago last weekend…. Possible Sock Monkey “Friends and Family”...
Sock Monkey in New York part 1
After 11 years far too far away from his favorite jungle, Sock Monkey returned with a song in his heart and a swing in his step! How could h...
Halloween black ceramic cat – candle holder
I’m not big on decorating for any holiday but do like to keep one item around when it gets closer to Halloween. I found this at the Sa...
Halloween Decoration
I remember this lamp from way back and was thrilled when I recently found it for $1.00....
Sock Monkey at Coney Island part 2
ON his recent visit to Coney Island, Sock MOnkey decided to stroll up the boardwalk to Brighton Beach. He simply couldn’t leave withou...
Kitschy Kitty Family
This kitty trio was only $2 at the flea market. End of the season, it’s cold out there, people really want things to move! It is a...
Sock Monkey at Coney Island part 1
On Sock Monkey’s recent trip to his favorite jungle, he was thrilled to reserve a full day to spend with his beloved friend at Coney I...
Snake Girl
Here’s another shot from the Yamboree an East Texas festival celebrating the yam. The “snake girl” was actually a woman wi...
Bronco Bustin’ Silhouette over Knotty Pine Paneling
Just a simple cowboy decoration that works on top of this bright wall....
Gorgeous ceramic swan planter
Found this amazing swan at a little shop in Ptown, here on the Cape. Another wonderful $5.00 purchase. Measures around 8×6....