Kitsch » Allee performance
Allee Willis’ “Soup To Nuts Party Mix” UPDATE
It’s getting down to the wire here at Willis Wonderland for Allee’s “Soup To Nuts Party Mix” show. Allee’s s...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Down On My Knees Before Soup To Nuts
Well, it’s the last place I ever expected to be the day before confronting the biggest professional fear in in my career, but here I a...
Allee underground today and taking AWMOK with her…
Running around insane today on last-minute prep (my dictation software wrote ‘crap’ instead of ‘prep’ – I gu...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Me and My Soup To Nuts Party Mix live show in the LA Weekly
Show is completely SOLD OUT! Only 4 more days of being the most overworked person on the planet (though I never expect that to diminish). Se...
The Final Countdown
As the day for me to drive down to LA with millions of snacks for the Allee Willis Soup to Nuts Show creeps ever closer, I am feeling the pr...
No Soup, but Definitely Some Nuts
NOw, I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to be giving away, but I do think it’s time to stir things up a little bit. In a c...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch ‘O The Day – Fluffless
I know I promised more Fluffiness yesterday and today but I’m so overloaded trying to get ready for my show – writing, getting ...