Here is a wonderful piece I picked up at a Goodwill in New Haven. As a crewelworker myself I appreciate its craftsmanship/acrylic yarn/che...
Women are tired.
As a man I have always wondered… but I didn’t know what I could do about it?? Now I know. I’m not sure if the cover ...
Scar Fart
Say the title out loud… Scarf Art…Scar Fart… it gets me every time. This pamphlet was from a time before every hipster was...
Elephant Love
Picked it up in a CT Goodwill for $ 1.00. I suppose it was cheap because of the missing trunk… but I am in love with the “pig ...
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above
I happened upon the blessed virgin last weekend on a trek to the liquor store. I live in Astoria Queens and for those of you who are not f...
Doin’ It for Sickle Cell
Another Dollar Bin find. At first glance I thought this was a “Not Disc”… then I realized it is actually a “Hot Disc...
Black Power Bootsie
Here she is folks – in all her splendor. I picked her up on a trip to my homeland: Minnesota. I was at a Savers in Prince territor...
Buddy Greco might not be good for business…
My boyfriend and I have a slight record digging problem and this is definitely one of my “dollar bin” favorites. Buddy Greco...