From the flea market this weekend for only $1....
Fake Wooden Poodle
I think it is fake wood. It was $1 at an antique shop. Rhinestone eyes....
Little Angel Candle Holders
These little candle holders were only a dollar. They are quite small and the candle holder is almost too small for a birthday candle. Th...
Duct Work Man
Saw this Duct Work Man at a local home improvement show/fair....
Cassette Machine
Cool box seen at an antique shop. The actual machine wasn’t nearly so groovy, though it was wedged in the bo pretty well so I didn&#...
Fishy Dishy
OH man, can you believe I found this at a flea market for only $2?!! Wow! It was from one of those guys who just throws everything in th...
Texas Pete (Again)
I know I sent you Texas Pete before, but my last pictures weren’t the best and I kind of wanted to give him another chance to shine. �...
Tiny Tot Tweety Bird Costume
I found this vintage Halloween costume at a flea market this weekend for only 50 cents! I bought it to photo and rehome, and I figured you...
Ladybug Radio
My ladybug transistor radio that I used to play with when I was a kid.. I don’t think it works anymore, but I can’t find a 9volt...
Trucker Guy
I think I pulled this out of a “Free” box somewhere. He has a beard made of some sort of animal fur and his body and cowboy bo...
Disco Beat Earring Holder
Disco Beat earring holder. I know this has been posted here before, and I know you have one too, Allee. But I thought I’d share mi...
Ohayocon 2012
I’m kicking off my 11th year of convention going with Ohayocon 2012, held annually in Columbus, OH. Ohayocon is great because it als...
Uncle O’Grimacey Ring
The time of the Shamrock Shake is almost upon us, and I thought I would share this piece of Shamrock Shake memorabilia from my childhood. ...
Ceramic Kitsch Photo Edits
Sometimes when I can’t sleep I like to mess around editing pictures. Here’s some of my kitsch pictures after I edited them in ...
Little Kimono Girl
My mother bought me this little ceramic girl as a gift. She stands maybe 6 or 7 inches high....
Umbrella Girl Planter
My mom found this at an antique shop for only $3. She’s way cute!...
Itty Bitty Asia Girl Planter
Cute little planter I picked up for cheap at an antique shop. She probably had a male counterpart at some point....
Yarn Dog Planter
I don’t think I’ve uploaded this planter before.. a cute dog with a ball of yarn....
Clock Planter
This clock planter was found while cleaning out some cupboards in my grandparents’ house. I like the two holes at the top. No marks....
Yet Another Kitsch Pig Planter
I found another one! They all have different color schemes. Here’s all three of my pigs, as you can see they have various color sch...
Youmacon 2011 in Detroit
Allow me to share some pictures from my recent fun weekend at an Anime Convention in Detroit, Youmacon! I was on staff again this year, an...
For many years I have so longed to own a piece of Pixieware by Holt Howard. However, in my area it was both super-rare and super-expensive...
Paper Mache Bank By Dakin
Cute paper mache bank by Dakin, made in Japan.. I’m guessing in the 1960s or 70s? This thing cost me a dime, I think....
Masked Dog Planter
I meant to submit this planter before Halloween, since it has a bit of a masquerade appeal. My mom brought me this one home from a flea ma...