
A graduate student with way too much stuff... I visit way too many yard sales, way too many flea markets, and way too many tag sales. I buy way too much. Then, I part with way too little. I like way too many things. It's all good. Besides searching the sales for cool stuff, my I can usually be found sewing, crafting, theatre-ing, or road tripping. :)


Sweaty Pig Planter

I actually saw two versions of this planter this past weekend, one with bright colors and then this one with more subdued (and fewer) colors...

Hot Pep

My grandpa had a big garden.  His neighbor used to make signs for people as a side-job.  He probably made this little plastic sign for my ...

Cool Rubber

My aunt and uncle were moving to a new house, and I was over the other day helping them clear out some of the last of their old stuff.  I f...

Pig and a Cart

I’ve seen several versions of this planter, too.. this one’s all pink!  I know I posted one of these piggy planters here before...

Bedroom Mood Meter

I was digging through some things from my grandparents’ house and I found this in a drawer.  They would probably kill me if they knew...

Dusty & Skye Dolls

Dusty, “The Fashion-Action Doll” was released by Kenner in 1974.  Denny posted a picture of her best friend, Skye, so I thought...

Egghead Girl

I don’t collect egg cups, but a friend of mine does, so I picked this up for her. Her freckles are kind of sloppy....

Bunny Planter

I have seen so many variations of this planter!  I think I have posted two of them here.  I saw another one at an antique mall, this time ...

Chef and His Wife

I think I posted a picture of this chef before, I thought he was a cheese dispenser or something.. well, at the Antique Mall, I found him ag...

Cat Paint-By-Number

I’ve always been a fan of paint-by-number and when I saw this nice pair for 50 cents for both, I had to grab em! It is a nice pair, an...

Barbie Hair

Seeing Pigmy Will’s post about curlers reminded me of a picture I took about a year ago.  I had been working on a photo project with ...

Double Exotica Planter

One of those planters that has an unidentifiable  middle eastern or Asian theme.   Procured at a flea market this weekend for the unbelie...