I actually saw two versions of this planter this past weekend, one with bright colors and then this one with more subdued (and fewer) colors...
Ceramic Bunnies
So many ceramic bunnies! Most of them have had their ears reglued before, haha. Hop hop hop...
Hot Pep
My grandpa had a big garden. His neighbor used to make signs for people as a side-job. He probably made this little plastic sign for my ...
Cool Rubber
My aunt and uncle were moving to a new house, and I was over the other day helping them clear out some of the last of their old stuff. I f...
Pig and a Cart
I’ve seen several versions of this planter, too.. this one’s all pink! I know I posted one of these piggy planters here before...
Bedroom Mood Meter
I was digging through some things from my grandparents’ house and I found this in a drawer. They would probably kill me if they knew...
Dusty & Skye Dolls
Dusty, “The Fashion-Action Doll” was released by Kenner in 1974. Denny posted a picture of her best friend, Skye, so I thought...
Mold-A-Rama @ The Henry Ford
At the end of March, two of my dear friends got married, and I was a bridesmaid in their wedding in Troy, MI. Of course, being so close to...
Telephone Girl Matchbooks
My dad collects matchbooks, I thought these ones were funny so I snatched them and scanned them. Good jobs for your friends! Pleasant wo...
Fruit Faces
Sometimes I get bored at breakfast… and I always have a sharpie in my purse…...
Anthropomorphic S and Ps @ the Antique Mall
From the “Stuff I Didn’t Buy File” – Baby corn S&Ps! Literally! And baby turnips. And some partying corns in...
Egghead Girl
I don’t collect egg cups, but a friend of mine does, so I picked this up for her. Her freckles are kind of sloppy....
Dutch Lady Planter
For a few cents at a flea market comes this Dutch lady planter. I plan to repaint her because she looks a mess....
Chalkware Frog Bath-O-Meter
I found this Chalkware Frog Bath-O-Meter at a rummage sale. The baby frogs were 10 cents each, and way on the other side of the room, I fo...
Tubby Cranky Cat Planter
First of all, let me apologize for not being around. I’ve been sick, in a wedding (in Detroit!), sick again, and sick. But I am ba...
Bunny Planter
I have seen so many variations of this planter! I think I have posted two of them here. I saw another one at an antique mall, this time ...
Chef and His Wife
I think I posted a picture of this chef before, I thought he was a cheese dispenser or something.. well, at the Antique Mall, I found him ag...
Half a Chalkware Bookend Pair
One half of a Chalkware bookend set, rescued from a flea market for next to nothin’....
Chalkware Asiana Pair
Here’s a tiny little pair of chalkware figures scored for a mere ten cents. The girl is reading, the boy is playing an instrument. T...
Cat Paint-By-Number
I’ve always been a fan of paint-by-number and when I saw this nice pair for 50 cents for both, I had to grab em! It is a nice pair, an...
Vintage Simplicity Pattern Catalog
You are going to love this vintage Simplicity catalog! Even if styles are similar, the prints and color schemes tend to change a lot. I re...
Barbie Hair
Seeing Pigmy Will’s post about curlers reminded me of a picture I took about a year ago. I had been working on a photo project with ...
Double Exotica Planter
One of those planters that has an unidentifiable middle eastern or Asian theme. Procured at a flea market this weekend for the unbelie...