Chalkware Ballerina Wall Hanging

Submitted by denny February 7th, 2013
Certifikitsch Winner

I found this ballerina wall hanging for 5 big ones.  She’s a nice size piece, needs a teeny bit of repair but I was happy to pluck down the cash for her.  Chalkware, $5.00, always sounds good to me!  She’s pink too which had quickly become a new favorite color since meeting AW 3 years ago.  Thanks for making my life a but more colorful Allee.

6 Responses to “Chalkware Ballerina Wall Hanging”

  1. denny

    I’d kill for her mate! I was afraid if I passed her up that I would end up finding her mate later…..

  2. windupkitty

    Gorgeous, Dens, glad you got it! YOu really can’t have too much 1950s ballerina stuff around…

  3. shirlie williams

    Oh I love this…anything with ballerinas on, I brought a fab tray today ,will photograph tomorrow (it has a ballerina on !)