This is not one of my own crochet works (I wished!)
Made by a Flickr user called “Inger Carina”, who also made a crochet TV.
This is not one of my own crochet works (I wished!)
Made by a Flickr user called “Inger Carina”, who also made a crochet TV.
Allee Willis
I especially love this as crocheting is such delicate work and guns are anything but. Of all things to choose as a subject…!
I really crochet a LOT since my childhood and I can tell this sort of lace crocheting isn´t easy anyway – but this is just a masterpiece, I don´t know how she did this.
I guess after she was finished she soaked the guns in dissolved sugar, so they will keep their shape. The sugar dries and the work becomes solid, my grandma used to do this, she made lace crocheted little vases for dried flowers with this technique :)
Allee Willis
Never knew about the sugar technique. Excellent thing to know.
People use watered down glue now.