Doghouse Planter (Again)

Submitted by Nessa May 15th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

I posted this planter before, but I found an identical one this morning at a yard sale for a price I couldn’t refuse ($1!)  He is still pretty cute.

Two of a kind~

Here’s my other one.  You can see his paint is messier.

11 Responses to “Doghouse Planter (Again)”

  1. Allee Willis

    I always pick up duplicates of things if I find them cheap enough. You never know when something’s gonna break and it’s not like you can walk into a store and pick another one up when you’re a thrift addict.

    And excellent that you found one with a neater paint job. But whoever was in charge of painting the roofs seems to have been too lazy to ever tape it off before they hit the brown glaze.

    • Nessa

      Yes, even though the new addition has a pretty significant crack, I wasn’t going to leave him there. The messy paint just adds to his charm.

      • Nessa

        Oh, I should add that he was cracked because somebody burnt a candle down to nothing in his dog house. I had to knife-stab out the wax (which had a 2″ layer of dust on it) for about an hour.

        • windupkitty

          If ya ever have to remove wax like that again, put the whole thing in the freezer for a few hours…the wax will most likely pop right out with a little wiggling and chipping!

  2. windupkitty

    So jealous this was a dollar!! awesome find! He looks like Pudgey, Betty Boop’s dog!