Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 241

Submitted by denny April 16th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

Here we have Niblet giving her Momma a dirty look.  Momma and her children do not get along very well.  They frequently have staring contests which I learned to just move aside in case claws start flying.

The place where it all happens.  There is Momma Nibbles making sure Allee works hard.

Miss Nibbles.

3 Responses to “Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 241”

  1. shirlie williams

    Thats one helluva look Niblet is giving off, a bit like Xander does when I remove her cat nip !!

  2. denny

    Niblet is a beast towards her mother. SHame really as Nibbles is the sweetest girl.