Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 198

Submitted by denny March 1st, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

I never understood why Salem marketed these little patches of astro-turf.

I’d seriously use this around the house as a way to hold notes to myself or others.  I love this.

I’m not sure if this is a bongo or some sort of steel drum instrument.  All of the kitsch in this post is currently being displayed in Dina’s office.

Geez, I want this!

One Response to “Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 198”

  1. Allee Willis

    Too many things in one post for me to comment on as I’m on deadline, but all in the poolhouse office and much loved and used!