4 Responses to ““The Sheriff” – a painting by Denny”

  1. Allee Willis

    This Sherriff looks like he went to the Crenshaw district in LA to get his hat. I can only hope that his cowboy boots are made by Stacy Adams (THE shoes on the rack at the swaps there).

    I love how high he’s wearing his star.

    I love those big silver dollar ears too. And the sheriff certainly knows how to apply his eye makeup.

    Is Barney Fife his assistant sheriff?

  2. MyFunCloset

    Good job Denny. Love the side ways eyes on all your paintings.
    Your “style” is shining through. Keep them coming!

  3. denny

    Thanks Fun Closet. This one is a favorite of mine. I think Allee is right, his ears do look a bit like silver dollars!

    Barney Fife. Someone just gave me an idea.