4 Responses to “Beachwood 4-5789”

  1. Allee Willis

    k2dtw – I think you were done editing this post but not sure as you always write such great descriptions. But i saw it sitting here and I’ve always adored these old flip address books so just had put it up. I still buy these when I see them and carry them around in my bag and use as note pads. I still find the sound they make when you click the little switch and they open thrilling.

  2. k2dtw

    WHOOPS….I have no idea…hummm?????…..
    I have always loved these vintage “Flip” pads for telephone numbers and “Notes”…smile
    This one has a see-thru amber plastic selector that slides down the side of the pad to select the first letter of the last name.. When you push the button at the bottom…”Wa-La”.. the pad flips up to reveal the name…
    I always loved the one I grew up with..it always sat next to the rotary dial phone..
    BEechwood 4-5789… This famous phone number is from Motown Legends…”The Marvelous Marvelettes”…

  3. Mark Milligan

    I haven’t thought of these since I was 18 or so. My Grandmother had one, and I loved to look through it and hear it click!