3 Responses to “FluffyKids Petale Individuality is my “message””

  1. Allee Willis

    I do love that it says ‚Äúindividuality is my message‚Äù and then they just put him in a hoodie like every other kid is wearing. Also, doesn’t he look a little South Park derived?

    I love mystery packages like this. Does it look like anything unscrews? Does it look like he bounces? God knows it could be anything.

  2. MyFunCloset

    There’s an illustration on the back. Can we get info from that? Even without words it might give us a clue.

  3. kookykitsch

    Unfortunately, the back is as useless as the front, unless you can read the language in which it’s written and, even so, there’s no guarantee that it would make any sense ;)