Summertime means festivals and celebrations all over the country. Sixty-two years ago, the La Habra Host Lions Club presumed that transplanted Midwesterners would flock to Orange County to get a good ear of corn on the cob. Apparently they were right. Where I grew up we had “Turkey Days” every summer, which they continue to celebrate today since the 50’s, but this looks good too.
There’s a large parade Saturday at 9:30, with Grand Marshalls Jimmy Campanis and Bobby Castillo, former Dodgers. Here’s a youtube video featuring the La Habra H.S. marching band, during the 2009 parade.
And a Corn Eating Contest Saturday at 1 p.m., as well as a “Corn Eating open to the public” on Sunday.
And a BABY CONTEST. I’m not sure how they judge the babies, but I have relatives that enter their baby in lots of contests, so it must be gratifying. I think only parents can enter their babies in contests, but there could be professional baby wranglers that show them I guess.
not actual baby
Summertime means festivals all over the country. I don’t live in Southern California, but if I did, I would want to visit the La Habra Corn Festival, August 6-8.
Links to other summer festivals and celebrations:
“Turkey Days” in Oxford, Nebraska:
Wisconsin Cheese Festival:
Allee Willis
If I had a traveling spirit I would attend all three!
I hated corn as a kid – I felt like I was biting down on teeth – but learned to adore it as an adult. The thought of everything that could be made with corn at a festival is too thrilling. I’m pretty sure I have to record on Saturday, August 7, but otherwise I’d be making the trek to La Habra, which is close enough, in hopes of finding the ultimate corndog and corn on the cob dipped in enough butter to be my butter allotment for the rest of my life.