Potty Pooches with a story

Submitted by Cindy Tilley-Johnson July 20th, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

These little ceramic doggies were in my grandmothers belongings and they have a little story about where they were purchased. As you can see they still have a sticker attached indicating they are a souvenir from “Bob Burns Home Van Buren Arkansas”. Upon investigating this info I found out who Bob Burns was. I still have no idea what the idea behind ” pottying pooches” might be, if any, but the story about Bob Burns is interesting. He was a Radio Star from the `30’s & 40’s known by “Soda Pop”. Bob created a homemade musical instrument that was a type of horn he dubbed “the Bazooka”. It was this “Bazooka” horn that the WWII G.I.’s nicknamed the shoulder held rocket launcher just issued.

Here is a link if you care to read more…


And No Allee, these aren’t salt & pepper shakers either, but frankly, I’m Glad!

2 Responses to “Potty Pooches with a story”

  1. Allee Willis

    Wonderful story! I wonder what the content of Bob’s radio show was that the best souvenir they could come up with to commemorate him in his hometown were dogs relieving themselves? This, of course, makes them supreme kitsch so I don’t really care about the answer to that question so much as that these things were made in the first place!

    I agree that it’s fine they’re not salt and pepper shakers. Enough is coming out of the dogs already.