Denny’s Adventure’s In “Willis Wonderland” – part 24

Submitted by denny July 22nd, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

Is this 4 tired table a scream or what! I especially love the knobbed feet on it!

Blow out the afro man! I must be the only white boy I know of who used black hair care products. I was more of a “Carefree Curl” guy as it worked well in my thick hair.

From an old hippie coffee shop. The details here escape me.

These make me ABSOLUTELY BONKERS! Light up foot stools. These may have been posted in a previous post but these pics are a better shot.

It’s pretty bad when you dream about a friends foot stools.

Up on the little porch outside of the house with Allee. Please note how the sneakers compliment the pink knee hi’s, pink heart pants and that fabulous silver ashtray in the background. The flowers on the knee hi’s kill me and I wish I had the guts to wear them.

Grabbing a little sugar at “Willis Wonderland”.

6 Responses to “Denny’s Adventure’s In “Willis Wonderland” – part 24”

  1. Allee Willis

    The table in photo number one was made in Germany in the 1950s. Many of these were made specifically to fit into corners. The little tins on the shelves are 1930s Le Jean Afro-American hair pomade.

    I love vintage haircare products, some of which I own are displayed in photo number two. What Denny didn’t catch that he would plotz overis the black and silver box all the way on the left, a bottle of Cher perfume.

    All the keyrings hanging on the vintage hippie key rack are vintage as well. One is for Disco dancing, one says “Shalom”, a couple are from used car lots and barely visible is a big round one that says “The Pill” on it.

    The inflatable footstool in photo number four doesn’t light up but is the fanciest of the ones I own. The footstool that does light up in photo number five was customized to light up in the 1960’s by a set designer whose daughter I bought this from on eBay.

    Thank you for the fashion kudos in photo number six. I distinctly didn’t like my outfit that day but felt very comfortable in it. Now I will look at it in a new light. The next time you’ll have to look closer at the pedestal ashtray, famous chair and argyle metal table that surround me though.

    There’s always more than ‚Äúa little‚Äù sugar available here at Willis Wonderland.

  2. Michael Ely

    OMG, I LOVE that table! It is totally awesome, totally wild. It is so over-the-top that it’s hard to believe it was actually made in the 1950’s rather than something modern made today in order to emulate the 1950’s. I want a table like this so much! It’s gonna end up in my dreams!

    • denny

      Michael, you should see my face when I am wandering around Willis Wonderland. It’s comical….

  3. denny

    I just plotzed! Cher? That box all the way to the left? That’s insane and I think I need to shoot that by itself along with the other 50 million items I missed! Ugh, I just broke out into a sweat!

  4. denny

    WHAT! I sure hope that the Cher and Bob Mackie are sitting next to a really groovy pie next time I invade “Willis Wonderland”. I can’t be plotzing this early in the morning!