Submitted by Allee Willis March 30th, 2015
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Until further word (up), which hopefully will not be an eternity, the display cases here at the Allee Willis Museum Of Kitsch are pretty much locked and full. Though I will still be checking from time to time for brilliant submissions of Kitsch and add them to the stash here if I find them.  Not that my interest in, passion for, obsession with and EXCESSIVELY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF KITSCH has wavered whatsoever! But my curatorial duties as your Kitschmeister General have finally overcome me given my present career circumstances: The musical I co-authored, The Color Purple, is coming back to Broadway this year staring Jennifer Hudson so my mind needs to be on Celie and Shug in rural Georgia as opposed to on Liberace’s Hot Nuts.

And when my mind’s not on Celie and Shug it has to be on “The D”, the record and video, and Allee Willis Loves Detroit, the feature-length film I’m making starring Detroit, me, and the Motor City peeps which demands 28 hours out of every 24 hour day as I act as everything from one of the main subjects of the film to co- (to preceed to all of the following) director, editor, animator, music creator and director, and  just about every other function you can assign to record and filmmaking aside from craft services.

There are also several other pots on the stove about to, with any luck, boil over. So seeing as this is a self-funded Museum my first duty must be to make the moolah to keep AWMOK going. Not that I wouldn’t rather be looking at Golden Girls tatooed thighs, practical beachwear, or cake-like couches.

My curatorial duties as your Kitschmeister General take a phenomenal amount of time each day to inspect and color correct each and every item and photo you aKitchionados submit here, correct grammar, format, comment, and send out certifiKitsches and Classique D’ Camemberts. As much joy and laughter as this brings me as I was adding ten new items to the Museum every day since 2009 there is just too much pulling at me now to give the Museum the attention it demands.

And I can’t even tell you the amount spam that hits my mailbox every day. Between penis enlargers, which luggage to buy should you travel to Bulgaria, casino game tips, and “seven ways how to lose 10 pounds a week safely can drive you bankrupt fast! I spend more time eliminating this garbage than having my eyeballs explode from exposure to Kitsch. I do want to stress however that THE DOORS TO AWMOK REMAIN OPEN so feel free to stroll the aisles and have your eyeballs assaulted with the largest collection of kitsch on the planet. And again, I’m checking every now and then, just not daily, so new items will still pop up.

You can also still leave comments and aKitchionados will answer.
This Museum and the people I have met through it have been one of the great joys of my life and career. Kitsch was/is always a release for me. It makes me laugh, it makes me happy, it’s loosened my brain when trying to write another song in my 60,000,000+ selling repertoire or make videos and execute the other seemingly impossible-to-pull-off projects I create for myself. I still indeed enjoy it for all of the aforementioned reasons but all I have time to do now IS enjoy, not curate, not research, not comment.
But I WILL BE BACK. This is not intended to be a permanent shirking of duties so please store up that Kitsch for when the shelves open again. And if you do have something extraordinary you want to show me you can always email me at [email protected] as I still love to have my mind blown and you never know what nonsense may jumpstart my curatorial proclivities again….
Until whenever,
Kitschmeister General Allee


  1. BeeJay

    I’m going to miss Kitsch News big time, but YAY!!! for you being so involved in such fantastic projects and I’ll enjoy following your adventures until “whenever” you’ll find time again :)

    Great photos, Allee! And if there ever is a way I can somehow support you online from the distance when it comes to AWMOK please don’t hesitate to give me a buzz. You know where you can find me. Xx

  2. Larrysturn

    Just found you Allee which makes me quite a bit late to your living party. But I’m writing to tell you that even without giving your Museum a decent look I am already in full fledged awe. Back in the day when I was married to a very creative artist who I met while running an art gallery I had an idea for setting up the American Museum of Kitsch; AMOK. We began in Scranton where we lived with a very small ode to an incredible man Morris Mertz, who had a store filled with old unopened stuff, (gems, toys & junk), mostly from the Sixties. We called our honorarium the Mertzatorium and it was appropriately placed in our bathroom. But you have done something way beyond wonderful and I will spend some time looking and learning and becoming a real long distance fan. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR VISION!

    • Allee Willis

      Well, I love this note from you! How long did you keep your AMOK going? I’m not aware of Morris Mertz but I’m certainly fascinated with him now that I’ve read what you wrote. My greatest joy is to be stumbling into a store that time forgot that was packed with unopen gems. There was one here in Glendale, California called Record Products that I stumbled on around 1982 and I eventually bought out at least half of the store over a period of the next few years. No one was ever in there so it was really whatever I could afford each time I went. The first time I drove up and saw the closed sign on the door I needed sedation for about a month. I have never forgotten that place. So I can imagine your thrill when you stumbled upon Morris Mertz. If you still have gems lying around please post them here. I’m not active anymore curating every day but if you write another comment where you put this one I will make sure and look and post. It is excellent meeting another Kitsh wise person!

      Oh, and if you haven’t seen this, this was in the Washington post yesterday: The first video is packed with kitsch:

      • Nessa

        Take all the time you need, of course! I’ve got plenty of kitsch stocked up for your return.

        Also I am enjoying your adventures!