I Cannot Even Think of a Title For This !! Submitted by shirlie williams March 5th, 2014 It does make me smile this picture..the cat on the left is so not impressed..
Allee Willis So great (and convenient) that the cats are big and fat. I would title it “Pair O’ Pussies” as an homage to the great Bubbles the artists’ piece of the same name: http://www.bubblestheartist.com/cards/pairopussies.html Though only one of the models here i pussy appropriate. March 5th, 2014
Allee Willis
So great (and convenient) that the cats are big and fat.
I would title it “Pair O’ Pussies” as an homage to the great Bubbles the artists’ piece of the same name: http://www.bubblestheartist.com/cards/pairopussies.html Though only one of the models here i pussy appropriate.
So, so wrong.