Stands about 8 inches tall. I see these from time to time and I am absolutely obsessed with anything having to do with vintage sailor kitsch. One week I go to the flea market nd he was $25.00. Then I go back the following weekend and she had it marked down to $12.00. She ended up giving him to me for $10.00. He’s one of my favorite new things.
Made by SBS company. The Seaman’s Bank for Savings.
The bottom is made of cork. This bank is in mint condition.
Allee Willis
Beautiful! I love his big, billowy sack and matching belles.
Just another item that I obsessed over when I first discovered him in a friends collection. Love that I found this promo item for 10.00!
WOW – you got a real treasure! I swear I saw him on Antiques Roadshow or something! McCoy pottery made him (1940’s probably postwar)! FROM THE WEB:
Frank and Margie Goss started a pottery in Chatham, New Jersey in 1941. In the 1940’s and 1950’s they used various “Goss Stoneware” marks and labels, and also marketed their product under the name “Contemporary Ceramics” at their 32 Watchung Ave., Chatham, NJ address. In 1964 the company was incorporated under the name of Chatham Potters, Inc. Costas Kalogirou, plant manager, bought the company in 1967.
AND: Costas Kalogirou (owner of Chatham Potters) says that the banks with the Contemporary Ceramics metal plates were Frank Goss designs. Goss had the McCoy Pottery company make the banks for him to his specifications. Mr. Kalogirou is a wealth of information for me and I really appreciate his input.
I have the Eagle bank in the center of the photo here^. Nice OWL shown as well, that Allee can search for!
Allee Willis
EXCELLENT info. Thanks!
Sorry – I have to explain that my joy & my curse is my insatiable curiosity. I look EVERYTHING up!
SBS has the copyright on the design. Contemporary Ceramics of Chatham NJ made him!
Here he is on Ruby Lane for 68$ – and they called him Kitschy!
Allee Willis
That’s a great habit to have!
Someone is asking 129.95 on Ebay! Will they get it?
Here’s the ORIGINAL Box! He was called the Jolly Sailor:
WOW – dividends on your savings of 5 DOLLARS or more compounded QUARTERLY! That was when banks actually PAID you to use your money – not the other way around! Ahhh – the good old days!