Oscar Mayer Wienermobile beanie baby

Submitted by Dacid May 14th, 2013
Certifikitsch Winner

To add to the Wienermobile collection, here is my official Weinermobile beanie …

2 Responses to “Oscar Mayer Wienermobile beanie baby”

  1. Allee Willis

    I really love how worn and loved this looks.

    Thankfully I was given one of these as I stepped off The Wienermobile after spending one of the greatest days of my life aboard it or I’d be very jealous right now. If you haven’t read about my adventures that day YOU will be very jealous right now!! So squeeze that Wiener beanie baby really hard and take a look at this for more Weinermobile than you ever could’ve dreamed about. All aboard, Brady Bunch! (Seriously):

  2. Dacid

    hehe i got it brand new, so i guess i really have given it lotsa love <3

    Great write up! Truly spoken from the same perspective and appreciation I would have.

    I've yet to ever see it in person -so depressing! :(
    I hold tightly onto the dream of SOMEDAY.

    so the steering wheel is not an onion ring???
    (like the simpsons said)