I’ve used baseballs and golf balls on a lot of prop furniture I made when I was designing sets in the 80s and 90s. You can see a shot of the golf couch I made for Just Say Julie, which ran from 1989 through 1991 on MTV. I handbuilt the entire set and every prop in it and the Astroturf couch in Julie’s living room, complete with sand trap ashtray and golf club and ball legs, was my pride and joy. You can see it by going to https://www.alleewillis.com/art/sets-props/index.htm and clicking on “Just Say Julie” and scrolling through the photos.
You know, you can use our new place as another way to breathe life into some of the things you have in storage and to make room for other things in your unit. Not that I’m hinting or anything…..
Hahahaha no, no dens, you aren’t hinting…hinting would be subtle…;)
when i’m back on my feet, lets break into the unit dressed in mascot costumes and rob the place…
Well, we are listing the house this week. Ernie thinks things will happen pretty fast and we will be in LA with in the year, maybe by fall. who knows. It’s all so exciting. Some folks are telling us to rent for a bit upon arriving in LA to get to know certain areas we are looking to buy in…….
WIND-UP, mascot costumes, really? lol
might as well make the surveillance video funny, ya know?!?!
Allee Willis
This is such a logical idea I can’t believe I didn’t erect such a bunk bed for the Willis felines. Cats LOVE sleeping in and on suitcases.
R.I.P. Fox.
hahah! great idea! I’d do this if I could bring myself to destroy a vintage suitcase…don’t think it’g gonna happen though…
Eep! I love this idea. I might have to steal it. I see a lot of junky suitcases out in the wild.
I love the softball feet! What a great idea.
Allee Willis
I’ve used baseballs and golf balls on a lot of prop furniture I made when I was designing sets in the 80s and 90s. You can see a shot of the golf couch I made for Just Say Julie, which ran from 1989 through 1991 on MTV. I handbuilt the entire set and every prop in it and the Astroturf couch in Julie’s living room, complete with sand trap ashtray and golf club and ball legs, was my pride and joy. You can see it by going to https://www.alleewillis.com/art/sets-props/index.htm and clicking on “Just Say Julie” and scrolling through the photos.
AW, what happened to a lot of the stuff from Julie’s set?
Allee Willis
Everything is in the storage garage including the couch.
You know, you can use our new place as another way to breathe life into some of the things you have in storage and to make room for other things in your unit. Not that I’m hinting or anything…..
Hahahaha no, no dens, you aren’t hinting…hinting would be subtle…;)
when i’m back on my feet, lets break into the unit dressed in mascot costumes and rob the place…
Allee Willis
That could easily happen, on loan from AWMOK. How soon do u think you’ll be here?
Well, we are listing the house this week. Ernie thinks things will happen pretty fast and we will be in LA with in the year, maybe by fall. who knows. It’s all so exciting. Some folks are telling us to rent for a bit upon arriving in LA to get to know certain areas we are looking to buy in…….
WIND-UP, mascot costumes, really? lol
might as well make the surveillance video funny, ya know?!?!