5 Responses to “Marta Szirmai’s American Cousin”

  1. windupkitty

    I know…I LOVE the cat in the photo…straight off the streets and pissed as all hell…I dig Miss Priss though…I wish I looked that cute when I”m about to fall into bed exhausted…these days it’s been so cold, I’m sleeping in front of the fire in seven layers of clothes (including a hat) with a one eared, cross eyed, toothless cat…not exactly the stuff that get the boys to come a’knockin’! Actually it might make a good album cover though…

      • windupkitty

        haha ok, I will take on for the team and do it..but I warn, it’s gonna depress me as much as it makes me laugh…I should do it now before my cold blows over…I’m reaaaaally a mess right now…I can put that poor raggedy cat to shame!

  2. denny

    At least they had enough sense to give this girl a real cat instead of a blow up one…..

    The cat on this cover looks pissed but is super cute.