This Nancy mural is on a side street off Hollywood Blvd, can’t remember which, but they like the Sinatra’s down in Hollywood. Her Dad was on a neighboring side street. I don’t think they were on the same street, anyway…..here’s Frank…….,

This Nancy mural is on a side street off Hollywood Blvd, can’t remember which, but they like the Sinatra’s down in Hollywood. Her Dad was on a neighboring side street. I don’t think they were on the same street, anyway…..here’s Frank…….,
Allee Willis
I never saw these. If you think of the street lemme know.
I got friendly with Nancy and then lost contact. We reconnected just about a month ago.
Damn, I wish I could remember. Between Vine and up to about the area of the King King maybe? Sorry.
Tell Nancy I loved her S/T album that Morrisey worked on with her. It’s one of my favorites.
Glad you are back in touch, QoK! PLease tell me you guys are going to collaborate on something…