Frank Sinatra and his daughter Nancy in Hollywood – Summer of 2012

Submitted by denny December 30th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

This Nancy mural is on a side street off Hollywood Blvd, can’t remember which, but they like the Sinatra’s down in Hollywood.  Her Dad was on a neighboring side street.  I don’t think they were on the same street, anyway…’s Frank…….,

3 Responses to “Frank Sinatra and his daughter Nancy in Hollywood – Summer of 2012”

  1. Allee Willis

    I never saw these. If you think of the street lemme know.

    I got friendly with Nancy and then lost contact. We reconnected just about a month ago.

  2. denny

    Damn, I wish I could remember. Between Vine and up to about the area of the King King maybe? Sorry.

    Tell Nancy I loved her S/T album that Morrisey worked on with her. It’s one of my favorites.

  3. windupkitty

    Glad you are back in touch, QoK! PLease tell me you guys are going to collaborate on something…