5 Responses to “Sears 8 Track Player”

  1. Allee Willis

    I’m always going to be jealous of an 8 track player. I’m going to be super jealous of an 8 track player that looks like a blue jeans pocket. And I’m going to be insanely jealous of an 8 track player that isn’t mono but rather, stereo. Which leads me to my last category of jealous, the fact that the player breaks apart to become 2 separate speakers. All the way around, pretty fantastic.

    • Yamtastic

      It does have more features than your average player. I also have the Panasonic “Dynamite 8” but this one’s a lot harder to find. I just enjoy all of the different, creative designs they had for 8 track portables back then.

    • Yamtastic

      Thanks, out of all my old electronics that one’s probably the kitschiest but I’ll keep digging.

  2. windupkitty

    Oh yeah. I”m calling jealousy on this one too. I gave away a huge box full of 8 tracks to a collector years ago. My player was broken. It still trips me out that they were so gigantic…