I love that a (futile) attempt has made to convince us that men can wear homemade knitwear and still maintain their masculinity. I can’t manage to come up with even one instance (or decade) in which any of these outfits would be deemed even remotely appropriate, least of all volleyball.

Allee Willis
Genius! I want them all over here for a party right now. If I didn’t have such a stupendous 10 piece band for my Badeya, Baby! gigs coming up THIS Thursday and Friday nights at NoHOPAC – http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/258274 – I would hire these guys to play regardless of if they played instruments or not!
I love how the one guy is dressed to play volleyball.
LOL!!.. Was it the picture from the knitting instructions? This is so great!!!
Oh WOW. I am speechless. There are things in the world that we will simply never understand.
Hitting the jealous button because I envy their self confidence.
Douglas Wood
Thanks for the C d’ C! Yeah, the volleyball is great. Can you imagine playing on the beach in WOOL?
I found this on-line– a friend had posted it on facebook, so I don’t know where it came from, but yeah, k2dtw, it’s probably a photo from the knitting pattern instructions. Windupkitty– you’re right about self confidence– instead of having men walk over hot coals, they should just make them wear one of these snazzy knit outfits and if their ego survived, they’d feel they could then conquer just about anything.
Hahaha, Yep! If only poor Travis could have slapped on one of these instead of shooting Old Yeller….You shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to become a man…
LOL, can you imagine the models when they got to their “Big” modeling job and were told what they had to wear!!!
hahah I know…Gentlemen, welcome to the first and last modeling job you will ever have…Once these photos are in circulation, you will never find work again…