Some of the great Kitsch that showed up in Chicago last weekend…
Great Wonder Bread gift wrap!!!…love seeing the familiar primary colors!!
The hamper/box behind left is papered …looks like tufted fabric!!..
Allee Willis
I think the Wonder Bread bread wrapper is one of the most iconic packaging designs ever. I never used to be able to throw out them out after the bread was eaten because I loved them so much.
Were they selling these or just wrapping whatever you bought in them? That Wonder Bread paper would’ve been going home with me!
They were fab and for sale!!.. Wouldn’t “Wonder Bread” gift wrap/greeting cards be a great idea???… Are you listening Wonder Bread???
Phew, as a hoarder, I thought I was the only one saving such throw aways as the Wonder Bread bread wrapper because of the way they looked! That and animal farm cracker boxes! I’d have bought the Wonder Bread wrapping paper for sure and did you say it’s on fabric too? YIkes!
Allee Willis
Yes, I was/am the same way with animal crackers boxes.
All good!!!
I was just looking at Wonder Bread on Ebay. They have put out many things. Wonder if they put it all out, and/or they sell merchandising rights?