Just sold this one on eBay. Here was my eBay blurb with all the info I could find:
1968 Aladdin vinyl brunch bag/lunchbox from Rowan & Martin’s “Laugh-In” with matching thermos. The brunch bag has a copyright of “George Schlatter-Ed Friendly Productions and Romart Inc., 1968.” The brunch bag (or tote if you want to use it as a purse) just says “Sock-it-to-me” over and over; the thermos has many catch phrases like “Here comes the judge,” “Beautiful Downtown Burbank,” “How does that grab you?,” “Verry Innteresting,” “That’s a no no” and “Sock-it-to-me” again. … This would be a nice addition to your ’60s / TV / lunchbox / yellow / lefty liberal pinko collection!
Allee Willis
I’m sick I missed this. What did it sell for? Tell me a fortune so I don’t feel bad I didn’t see the auction. Absolutely brilliant set.
Lily Tomlin is a really good friend and mentor of mine. She has excellent taste in kitsch though not much Laugh-In memorabilia.
I’m very sorry to tell you that someone got it for a good price, $33.99. :-( I’d much rather it had gone to Lily Tomlin!!