Classy Classic Kitsch Shot Glasses: Say When!
Hi! Thank you windupkitty for introducing me to this perfect place where I feel right at home and thank you Allee for giving my Hi Cat Fashion Cat, titled Hoarder Rehab Seller on Etsy some awards! I am so honored here it is:
Windupkitty invited me to submit my own stuff, so here’s my first attempt ( I am techless, but learning) Here’s some classy classic kitsch from the etsy shop, HoarderRehab.

classy classic kitsch shot glasses: fun and frosted “hit of the party” major league juice glasses Just Say When! Must haves for your next party, perhaps an animal themed Halloween one? Rabbit, pig or donkey, sounds like a funny farm to me!
Need any Halloween costume ideas? Ladies and Gentlemen, party on with these shot glasses and decide if you are a rabbit, pig or donkey! Hick haw! Perfect “ice breaker” conversation for any house party! as a Housewarming gift to warm up any house, personal morning juice glass or as the perfect something for your favorite bartender! Have some fun and get a little frosted!
Allee Willis
I have always loved these glasses. I pick them up whenever I stumble on one at thrift shops. I have them in both black and red. Nice to see you have a set here. And excellent choice placing them on a doily.
The Jackass one always killed me.
Your comments always make me chuckle. Thank you. The doily was unintentional, a good call and I’ll use it more often with more kitschy intentions.
I wanted to thank you Allee and your MOK for giving my cherished and loved kitschy items a good permanent figurative home here, where I can come visit them anytime I need to, in a place of honor and fun. As a hoarder, it makes it so much easier to let go of them, so I can find each of them a good literal home. I can’t thank you enough for this outlet!
Allee Willis
My pleasure completely! For sure we cherish your things here. I’ve always had great luck discovering great people behind great collections so I’m very happy you found us here. Would love to see more of your stuff.
Thank you for the encouragement. I will list more and comment too, now that I’ve figured that out!