I’d love to see one of those great late-night, cheap TV ads promote this item by first showing a variety of people having extreme difficulty cracking ice on their own, then effortlessly succeeding with this nifty tool. The tap-icer is essentially a plastic stick with a smooth disc of convex metal at one end.

The instructions: “Place ice cube in palm of hand. With the other hand vibrate the Tap-Icer with wrist action. After a few light taps the ice cracks into many pieces. The special spring action does the trick. Vibrate about two to three inches above the flat surface of the ice…don’t pound.” Instructions should advise cocktail party hosts to begin cracking ice for their guests about a month before the shindig.
Allee Willis
I’ve owned one of these forever as I collect every 50’s bar accessory under the sun. I’ve tried using it 100 times and it absolutely makes no sense to me. The next time we gather for a Fluff confab I hope someone reminds me to get out the Tap-Icer.
This is great…Love your idea for late night!!!
I posted one of these before! Whenever I tried to use it I thought an ice chip was going to fly out and blind me or shred my face.