I think that’s how they were originally made. i remember a big hubbub when the first seamless nylons came out. Though that was nothing compared to the pantyhose revolution!
Yeah, the seam was visible de to the construction of the stockings…Anyone ever draw the line up their leg thinking it looked more fabulous!?! Um yes, ok, I did, but in my defense, I was a teenager…The first stockings were ridiculously strong too…I’m pretty sure I still have a pair somewhere…back when stuff wasn’t made to be disposable…LOve this old advert too…hats off to them for the really nice tush…none of this flat, 10 year old rexic crap that prevails today…
Great post!!.. LOVE vintage advertising, always so much to learn from them. Years ago we saw a great old press photo of young ladies during WWII, they were getting seams painted on their legs during war time rationing.
Allee Willis
Always looked like a big worm crawling up ladie’s’ legs to me as a kid but elegant nonetheless.
Was the seam for fashion or more because of how they were made? Never thought of the “worm” thing before but your right!
Allee Willis
I think that’s how they were originally made. i remember a big hubbub when the first seamless nylons came out. Though that was nothing compared to the pantyhose revolution!
Yeah, the seam was visible de to the construction of the stockings…Anyone ever draw the line up their leg thinking it looked more fabulous!?! Um yes, ok, I did, but in my defense, I was a teenager…The first stockings were ridiculously strong too…I’m pretty sure I still have a pair somewhere…back when stuff wasn’t made to be disposable…LOve this old advert too…hats off to them for the really nice tush…none of this flat, 10 year old rexic crap that prevails today…
Great post!!.. LOVE vintage advertising, always so much to learn from them. Years ago we saw a great old press photo of young ladies during WWII, they were getting seams painted on their legs during war time rationing.