The History of the Vibrator – in pictures (a clean post)

Submitted by denny August 4th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

I think I’ll refrain from any commentaries, except that I will say here that I say this incredible display in a shop in Provincetown, MA.

The end.

10 Responses to “The History of the Vibrator – in pictures (a clean post)”


    They all look like they sound like lawn mowers !
    Discreet use must have been a problem.

    • windupkitty

      hahaha i know, right!?! must have been hard to hide it from your roommate when all the lights kept going dim and you were wearing a welder’s mask…

  2. BeeJay

    So much better nowadays. Still clicked “jealous” though, cause you got to see that fun exhibition.

    • windupkitty

      hahahah wow, there has to be a clinical name for vibe fear…if there isn’t denny, please make one up and i will use it regularly…