I love this I saw one for sale in a local tea room (the owners have cats) The cats get their own scratching deck..my four would be fighting over it..

I love this I saw one for sale in a local tea room (the owners have cats) The cats get their own scratching deck..my four would be fighting over it..
Allee Willis
Aha! I’d be insanely jealous if I didn’t already own this. Tho I must admit that I’ve had it over a year and still have never assembled it. Very typical of me.
The company that makes this makes a bunch of other cardboard cat scratchers. Cars and I can’t remember what else but they’re all pretty wild. All of them are all made out of cardboard.
yyyyeeessss!!! This is exactly what my cats need! Of course it’s probably expensive and they would trash it in a day….love the band stickers….
Allee Willis
If i manage to find mine you can have it. I’ll never get the assembly together despite knowing the kitties would like their own turntable.
NO way!! AWESOME! Thanks!!! I will take multiple photos of Casper mixin’ it up…He would actually make a pretty memorable DJ…one ear, no teeth, crossed eyes…
Allee Willis
Great! Tho it may take me 10 years to find it (seriously).
haha i know! no worries ;) till then Casper can just spin on my real turntable…
shirlie williams
Casper he may be crossed eyed ,no teeth and one ear, but his soot covered picture is my favourite cat picture ever… I have it saved to my pictures, I think he is totally handsome, and If I lived nearer i would be round to squeeze him …