This is by far the most bizarre item Jayne has ever slapped her name on and endorsed. I’ve never seen an add for it but she was known for putting her name on anything that might bring in a buck, or that she could give to fans and press in goody bags when they left her house.
It’s really unlike anything I’ve ever seen, I don’t even know how to go about using it. Let alone how it could possibly benefit somebodies suntan.
Allee Willis
LOVE!!! Without question, the insanity of Jayne bling exceeds any other star’s I’ve ever seen.
I guess you stick your head through it and tan your head 360. Which makes it one of her more insane of the insane endorsements a who wants a burnt scalp line and ears?
I’m very jealous indeed!
Cheetah Velour
I was dying to know more about the Health Tan Sunlamp after seeing this! I’m sorry I looked:
Allee Willis
God help anyone who laid under that thing for more than 5 minutes…