I used to own one of these Seagram 7 bottles. It came from my Uncles bar but I didn’t appreciate things like this when I was younger and it is now long gone.
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3 Responses to “Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 303”
- Trumping Trump!
- tippy taps 2
- Big ol' news from “the most interesting woman in the world who no one has ever heard of" (and who is about to perform live)!
- Kitschified in The Washington Post!
- Twin Meeting in Bingen (Germany)
- Jetway 707, a long Toronado.
- Revisit Detroit CKLW Radio 1964 "Happy Fellas"...
- Space Boots
- Oil & Vinegar Neck... Creatures
- Sad Clown With Ballons "Berfiol" ?
- "The D"/ Allee Willis Loves Detroit update: Steadily motoring....
- Giant Pig
- Holiday Cards I'd like to see
- Chocolate Trail 2013 in Hong Kong

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Allee Willis
Taken in my storage garage. I don’t want anyone to think I’m this messy of a housekeeper.
This is a pretty huge bottle. I got it because of that accordion top on top of it which is made out of thin plastic and collapses as soon as you press on it. Any idea what that is for?
I have no idea what the big thing wrapped in red is….?
THese bog bottles were promotional bottles given to bars, my Uncle had a few. The accordion thing, I believe, would pump out the correct amount for a “shot” of Seagrams.
I know for a fact YOU ARE NOT a messy housekeeper. It is a storage unit which houses the most mind blowing kitsch on the planet.
The wrapped red thing may be a styrofoam mannequin head.
DAmn, typing erros, “BIG”