Well the four day Diamond Jubilee Celebrations are over, amid heavy showers and bursts of sunshine, here is a tempting selection of Diamond Jubilee Souvenirs .
Believe me I tried so hard to get these ,but they had all sold out !

Corgi Towel…
We had sick bags for the Royal wedding last April and now for the Jubilee.
A nice cup of tea..

and finally a solar corgi..
Allee Willis
I wish it got that creative and kitschy over on this side of the world. I would go CRAZY with all those souvenirs. i wonder how much $$ they hauled in from all this across the pond?
What souvenirs did you personally buy?
Geezus, I almost fell over when I read this post.
Pretty amazing souvenirs but that ceramic plate is killer. PLEASE, tell me, what on earth is a “solar corgi”?
shirlie williams
When the sun warms up the solar panel on the base I think his head nods Denny. The only souvenir I brought was a cardboard vage shaped like the Queens Carriage, Im waiting to scoop them all up when they sell them off at half price !!!! Very pleased to have a Jubilee Camenbert.
shirlie williams
Oh dear I made an unfortunate spelling mistake !!!!! I mean Vase ..whoops.
Allee Willis
Vage would’ve been more impressive!
shirlie williams
Ha ha..it certainly would
i watched a bit on tv since a friend taped it….i thought the performance and projections during Madness’ bit were fabulous…better yet though was photo a scottish friend sent me of himself in a tiara waving tiny union jacks…don’t think i can post it here though :)