One of my favorite things is a good neon sign. I brake for them and pull over! Here’s some I saw on a recent road trip to Beckley, WV.

Nice old 1 hour dry cleaning sign in Beckley. Looked like the cleaner’s was still in business, though I’d say it’s been at least a couple of decades since this sign glowed at night.

This florist was also still in business.

Nice office service sign… I think this place was still in business, too.

The amazing King Tut Drive-In in Beckley is famous and has great food.

No shortage of Neon in this town.

Here’s King Tut at night, in case you were wondering if it still lights up. :)
Allee Willis
I love every single one of these gorgeous signs. Would kill for King Tut to be on my roof!
Do you live in Beckley? If the signs are this good are there other vintage gems in town?
Thanks! I don’t live in Beckley but I was on a road trip down in that area. Very fun part of the state because it hasn’t been quite prosperous enough to be stripped of its charm.
Mark Milligan
I love them all too!
I really like how the arrow goes through the Beckley Loans sign, and the 1 hour dry cleaning sign too.
wow, so,so gorgeous…i wanna take a trip to the king tut drive in for sure!
Thank you everyone. =)
GREAT! I’ve got my eyez on few more neon signs around here that i need to photograph also.
Allee Willis
Yes, get us those signs!!