Unusual Stair Lift…

Submitted by shirlie williams May 16th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

This made me smile, a stair lift for dogs, I believe this is a prototype not quite sure if it will get off the ground (pardon the pun).

It was designed by UK pet insurance company,MORE TH>N .Similar to the ones designed to help the elderly and disabled get up and down stairs. The insurance provider designed the concept to raise awareness about pet obesity, but says that they’ve actually been approached by retailers who want to manufacture and distribute the lift.

3 Responses to “Unusual Stair Lift…”

  1. Allee Willis

    Having had dogs whose back legs went out I think this is completely genius. It’s so sad when they can’t go up and down stairs, run around or even hop on the bed anymore. Too bad it takes that big unit at the bottom of the stairs to make it run, though an enterprising carpenter could probably figure out a way to bury it in the floor or wall. I love this invention!

  2. shirlie williams

    I can just see my four cats going up and down in it all day ,while I am out at work .

  3. BeeJay

    Never seen something like this before, what a cool idea. I´d also hide the unit in some funky fabric or would build something around to place more funky stuff on, or a plant.