Forgive me, forgive me, I’ve been a bad kitschmeister curator these past few days. Running like (an elated) crazy person in Detroit where there’s SO MUCH happening I’m scheduled tighter than Obama. You’ll at least be happy to know that today I don’t have time to post your beautiful kitsch (until hopefully later) as I’m racing out to a soul food restaurant where the chef is making us a SUPREME feast! We stopped to take a photo of a mural on the side of his resturant and he ran out and said we should at least be photographing the real thing.

As I was snapping him he recognized me from a photo he’d seen recently of me with Earth, Wind & FIre. (It pays to have this hair!!) To say we bonded would be an UNDERSTATEMENT. So me and aKitschinados Mark Blackwell and Laura Grover are heading back to the hood I grew up in and are about to consume what I’m sure is going to be the dream meal of dream soul meals. If this sign is any indication of what surprises lay in store we’re in great shape!

I’ll try to post some stuff between that and racing back to Cass Tech to see the kids perform The Color Purple again. INSANELY GREAT PRODUCTION. Adorable to see kids undertake something of that nature. And lemme say this, they hold NOTHING back! WAY MORE about all this in the coming days.
Grand Kitschmeister Allee