In September last year I went for a country town thrift shop kitsch hunt while visiting my mother in Toowomba, in Southern Queensland, Australia. I almost hyper ventilated when I accidentally came across this auction. It was between two small towns on a back road. A lifelong collector had recently passed and her full kitsch museum that I had somehow never heard about was being auctioned including over 7000 salt and pepper shakers which were the centre display in her dusty old museum that boasted to having the biggest salt and pepper shaker collection in the world. A sad day for the museum but a dream come true for an avid kitsch collector on the hunt

This is one of about 30 cabinets of salt and pepper shakers
But there was also a lot of other stuff – over 1000 lots in the auction – this is just one of many rows. This old lady was one fine hoarder

And here are a few close ups to get you hitting that jealous button

Some fine Australian Kitsch to show that American is not always kitschest – probably made in Japan too though

Nothing came in ones at this auction – money banks galore

Bidding was fierce

But bargains to be had – $20 – Cookie jars sold to the tall kitsch collector at the back – me

Ahhh – One of the happiest days of my life.

Allee Willis
I would’ve lost my house if I had been there as I would’ve wanted EVERYTHING. My kind of gal!
mike winer
Believe me – I considered putting the house on the line – problem was if I lost the house where would I store all the stuff. That old lady was a true kitsch hero.
mike winer
P.S. thanks for the Camembert – an exceptional honour
Oh man, I can relate, I am almost hyperventilating just thinking about such an auction!
Auctions and me don’t mix though, I always spend more than I want to in the heat of the moment. I prefer to pick for kitsch in other places with a flat price, though I do love the excitement and mystery of auctions, for sure.
mike winer
Yes Nessa – an oxygen tank and a cool damp cloth (kitsch teal towel) on the forehead was required. I must say though you need some tactics training cause auctions can produce the most amazing bargains.
Lisa Rios
Dear lord, what an amazing sale. I would have been in tears unable to carry out everything I want! Amazing! Jealous button getting pressed!
JAW DROPPED. I adore the chained kangaroo family wading pool ashtray!!! Also a huge fan of that poodle!
shirlie williams
Oh wow, pass the paper bag…fantastic, i would have needed a valium to stay calm, my fingers are itching at the thought of rummaging through all of this .
mike winer
I must say – I initially felt limited due to bag weight restrictions on the plane – but boxes on bus freight solved the problem – a bigger haul could have been giant if I had thought of ship freighting back to Cairns (home) + a double mortage could have been considered.
WOW. I can’t even look at the photos!!! Making me faaar too anxious!!!! Good thing I don’t have a house to lose and live several continents away…amazing…Hey QoK, maybe a long lost relative…the collection is too insane to not have some connection!!!!!!